Test and Trace “not fit for purpose”

The Government, assisted by the BBC and others, are piling on the pressure to get schools fully opened for September. It’s clear that they want to abandon any effective social distancing so that full classes are packed into classrooms, despite the obvious risk of infection being spread and schools becoming the “institutional amplifiers” of the virus, as independent SAGE have warned.

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September – no full return until it’s safe

Boris Johnson has announced that schools in England will be returning “with full attendance” in September. This follows a sustained propaganda campaign from the media and pro-capitalist politicians designed to put pressure on schools to re-open as soon as possible.

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Covid Crisis exposes Tory Hypocrisy

One of the most nauseating sights and sounds of the lockdown has been Tory politicians justifying their attempts to fully re-open schools. They have the bare faced cheek to argue that they are concerned that vulnerable children will be left at risk if schools don’t open.

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Fully fund schools – stand firm on safety

Under pressure from their own failures to make sure schools are in a position to safely open more widely, the Tories have committed to providing £1 billion for schools next year. However, the money comes with significant strings attached.

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