Escalation to higher tier requires escalation to strike ballot

The “Covid consensus” is finally starting to crumble. At last some opposition politicians are starting to speak out clearly about the woeful failure of the Tory Government to control the spread of the virus. But words alone can be ignored. So now it’s time for the NEU to back up words with action and call strike ballots in the worst affected areas.

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Lessons from the exams fiasco

The enforced government U-turns over the grading of this summer’s school exams has shone a spotlight on the inbuilt class inequality inherent in education under capitalism. But what place would exams have in a socialist curriculum?

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Lockdown but still no testing in Caerphilly

“Now we’re in local lockdown. Yet the schools are open, and there is still no sign of routine tests or even temperatures being taken at the gates. If they had routine tests each week then we could just get on with it. This nonsense will just lead to closures all over again”.

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